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Theatre & Film Social: Free screening of "Waiting For Guffman"

Theatre & Film Social: Free screening of "Waiting For Guffman"



Sunday, September 29 • 5:00 pm

Chandler Center for the Arts, 71 N Main Street, Randolph, Vermont 05060


FREE - plus complimentary non-alcoholic beverages

Calling all fellow drama lovers and cinephiles! Let's watch cult classic "Waiting For Guffman" and learn about Chandler's new production of OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder.

Chandler is starting a recurring Theatre & Film Social for all our local drama lovers and cinephiles to get together for free movie screenings, rousing artsy banter, and more! First up, on Sunday September 29 at 5pm, we're showing the film "Waiting For Guffman" (1996) and unveiling exclusive information about Chandler's Feb-Mar 2025 production of OUR TOWN by Thornton Wilder. Discover ways to get involved in our community theatre program as we launch this small-town classic with auditions, crew positions, and volunteer opportunities.

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